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Integral Coaching

reconnect to your innermost nature and let presence lead

Meet Dave

Hi, I'm Dave 

Integral Coach 

I see life as this incredible journey, unfolding one chapter at a time. And, you know, it’s totally natural to encounter those moments where we feel a bit stuck - in our patterns, our relationships, our health, our career and so on. It might be that sense of feeling lost or that desire to head in a different direction altogether.


I support those looking to deepen self-contact in such moments; those willing to go beyond the surface, to really feel what is happening and be present with what is emerging.

As you feel this and courageously explore the depths of your being and find yourself facing those roadblocks, I’ll be here to support you. Together, we’ll work through them and keep moving forward…


The following trainings inform how I currently support others:

What is Unfolding?

What Is Unfolding?

Unfolding is a journey of reconnection, a trust in what is and what is emerging within us, bringing us back to our innate wholeness.

Take the humble acorn, for example. It contains everything required to grow into a beautiful oak tree, all packed into a tiny seed. All it needs to express itself as an oak tree is the right conditions of sunlight, water, nourishing soil, and air. The acorn begins whole and complete. In every moment, the tree that unfolds is whole and complete. 

The same holds true for you. When you support the conditions for unfoldment, shifts can occur that feel expansive and effortless. You have an amazing capacity to be with anything from presence - a superpower existing inside all of us. Unfolding is an invitation to use this superpower; to connect to your innermost nature and let presence lead; to (re)discover the qualities of your being and attune to your innate wisdom and resourcefulness so that you may deepen your capacity to be with whatever complexities daily life throws your way. 

By accepting this invitation to be here now and lean into greater sense of interconnectedness and a fundamental cooperation with life - embracing its flow and going with the grain - life becomes more spacious and less effortful.

“Unfolding is how, as living organisms, you grow, flourish, and thrive. Everything is always more than its current expression. It is as if everything is the seed out of which something more grows. Unfolding is the discovery and expression of this ‘more’. You are always already more than who you are now.”
– Steve March, Aletheia 

How can I help you?



To get into deeper connection with your sensations, feelings and recognise your innate wholeness.


To help you find new ways of living and being in the world and how this informs and transforms your relationships.


Use your skills to make a positive contribution in the world.

Health & Wellbeing

To love, value and take care of yourself, just as you are. To get in contact with, honour and learn how to express your physical, emotional and relational needs for a greater sense of wellbeing.


To feel supported and resourced amidst times of transition. 


To deepen intentionality and embrace uncertainty. Facing, and even embracing complexity to navigate effectively in the world

What I Offer


I offer safe non-judgmental spaces for collaborative and mutual inquiry to leverage the natural process of unfolding to help you address the impediments you face by revealing and applying innate resourcefulness, creativity, and genius.


In each of the following session plans, this will form the core of our coaching engagement.


1 Month Plan
  • 4 x 60min sessions

  • 4th session is integration-focussed

  • One month period (ideally)


£200 / €230 / $250
₹10,000 (for Indian residents)

Coming Home
To Wholeness

Image by Nadine Shaabana
3 Month Plan
  • 12 x 60min sessions

  • Every 4th session is integration-focussed

  • Three month period (ideally)

£550 / €630 / $690
₹30,000 (for Indian residents)

Letting Presence

Image by Alessandro Erbetta
6 Month Plan
  • 24 x 60min sessions

  • Every 4th session is integration-focussed

  • Six month period (ideally)

£990 / €1150 / $1250
₹60,000 (for Indian residents)
Individual 1-hour sessions are available and priced on a sliding scale depending on your affordability:

£50 - £100 
€55 - €115
$60 - $130
₹5000 - ₹10,000

However, I would recommend starting with one of the session plans as they offer better value and typically a minimum of four sessions is needed to move through the challenges arising - true, deep, transformational change takes time :)

**Some pro-bono (fee-free) sessions are available for a limited time**

Schedule an Initial Discovery Call below and we can work out the details. 


"In just three months, my self-awareness and relationship with the world have significantly improved. The parts work has been especially impactful, helping me integrate various aspects of myself. Dave's guidance has been essential in this journey, and I highly recommend him to anyone seeking true transformation and deep healing."

— Vinay, India

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